Fourth Quarter Newsletter, December 2019
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE Where did it go? I am still looking for 2019, and all it takes is a blink of an eye to realize that now it...
Third Quarter Newsletter, September 2019
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE The WNC Project Linus Chapter has been so fortunate to have each of you as part of our wonderful...
Second Quarter Newsletter, June 2019
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE This brings wishes that you are enjoying a very special summer. Enjoy every moment, as the days pass by too...
First Quarter Newsletter, March 2019
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE This year has started out to be a busy one with lots of wonderful things happening. We began with...
Fourth Quarter Newsletter, December 2018
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE It is the beginning of a new year and with that comes the hope and prayers that 2019 will be a healthy time...
Third Quarter Newsletter, September 2018
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE Choosing to be one who doesn’t wish to rush time I find it hard to believe that fall is here. “AUTUMN, THE...
Second Quarter Newsletter, June 2018
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE This year’s tea was another wonderful and successful event. It was special having so many of you with us to...
First Quarter Newsletter, March 2018
To be added!
Fourth Quarter Newsletter, December 2017
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE Another year is history, now we must focus on all the happenings for 2018. My wish to each of you is that...
Third Quarter Newsletter, September 2017
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE Fall is in the air even if the daytime temperatures have us questioning it. Summer was a busy time for our...