Third Quarter Newsletter, September 2020
Ring, Ring, consider this your personal phone call from me wanting to hear your voice and wanting to check on how you are weathering this storm we are all in. Little did we know last spring when we had to cancel our Make a Blanket Day, our monthly work sessions and then our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Tea that now so many months later we would still be in the same situation as then. Facing reality and being realistic, I know it will be many more months before we can get together again. Do know that you are missed. This chapter is continuing to proceed forward and even if I cannot call each of you, I am here for you. The donations have been generous, and we are giving out blankets although not in the numbers as before virus.
Many of you read about “Babies need Bottoms”and“Project Dignity”in the last newsletter. You responded with several hundred of both items which I was delighted to deliver. Their appreciation was obvious from the notes I received from both organizations:
Alicia Heacock, Executive Director at Babies need Bottoms wrote: “I just wanted to say thank you! I got the wipes, and we put a message in our social media and had 3 responses within 24 hours of families with babies or currently pregnant, who wanted to apply for a cloth diapering kit. Being able to offer cloth wipes along with the cloth diapers is such a blessing. Please pass along our deep gratitude to everyone who has made these wipes for us”. Barb Morgan, the Director of Project Dignitywrote: “Thank you for your support with the pouch program. You enable us to protect the dignity of the girls in school when they use a pouch for the pads from the crisis closet”.
Sara Hill: A blanket maker for 27 years wrote: “’I have found that quilting is not just a hobby but a covid survival skill. Linus is great for the children who receive them, but I am on the other end knowing how great it is for us older folks who have time to make them”.
Our inventory is now even among the three sizes so feel free to work on any size that you prefer. I would ask that you keep to the measurements of a small blanket which is 36” x 45” and up and not go any smaller. Facilities only want the larger size and even the smallest child will grow rather fast.
Last month I mentioned the three main requirements for blankets that are donated to Project Linus. They must be new, handmade, and washable. As a reminder, please no holiday themed blankets as a child uses their blanket all year not just at a holiday.
Husband Gene and I, along with Connie and Herb Stanfield had the opportunity to meet with some of you when we set up shop in the Blue Ridge Mall Shopping Center the last of July and again in August to collect donations. It was so wonderful to be able to visit if even for a few minutes. We made sure there was social distancing and of course mask wearing. We plan to be there again on October 7th at11:30 and will be in the back of the Mall opposite JoAnn’s. If there is room in my car I will come with batting and yarn. Connie will be there with kits. If you are unable to be there and need supplies do get in touch with me. If there is something specific that you need me to bring let me know that also.
These notes touched my heart as I know they will yours. We assume that a child will receive only one blanket but there are children who are “frequent fliers” to a hospital as this child is and will receive more than one “hug”.
“I wanted to reach out and see how to send a donation to your organization. My foster child is medically fragile Each time we go into the hospital he is blessed with a blanket. We do not need the blankets, but he is so excited to get them that it takes his mind off the yuck of the visit. Each time he remembers based on the theme of the blanket. He is 2.5 years old. My fireman doctor visit, my frog doctor visit. Really? But it defines the visit and makes it something special for him. He literally has 3 now in his crib and will not let me take them out. It is precious. I want to thank each of you for blessing us. You are appreciated and prayed for.” She sent me another email saying that last night the fireman gave him a hug during a long sleepless night. He has a hard time regulating temperature in his body. Hot/cold all night long. It took me a minute to realize that she was talking about the fireman blanket.
Here is another note from a loving Mom: “I wanted to thank you for my daughter’s beautiful quilt. It made a difficult day just a little bit brighter. My daughter received her quilt the day of a scheduled MRI. She was diagnosed with a rare brain malformation and cerebral palsy, so we love the encouraging quotes on her quilt.” Some of the quotes were: She believed she could, so she did. Though she be but little she is fierce. Dream big little one.
You never know what a difference your blanket will make to a child.
JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store
80 S Tunnel Road
Grace Lutheran Church ( currently closed)
1245 Sixth Avenue West
JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store
Blue Ridge Mall Shopping Center
Sheridan Kay Quilting
1680 Spartanburg Highway
5 Little Monkeys Quilt and Sew
32 North Main Street
In Out
July 119 240
August 595 416
September 302 241
Second Quarter Totals 1016 897
With these latest numbers our chapter has now distributed 77,725 blankets!
Number of knitted dolls and stuffed animals donated and distributed this quarter: 303
Weighted blankets donated to date: 1,305
Chapter Coordinator
Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800
Buncombe County
Ennis Julian 702-499-3567
Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counites
Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800
Haywood County
Mariam Howell 828-456-5154
Henderson County
Helen McConnell 828-779-0361 (new number)
Jackson and Macon Counties
Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800
Madison County
Nancy Fish 828-768-1344
Mitchell County
Janet Jackson 661-319-8286
Transylvania County
Pat Crawford 828-883-8746
Yancy County
Asta Jeffcoat 828-682-4373