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Third Quarter Newsletter 2024


What a month this has been, I pray that each of you is safe and didn’t suffer too much inconvenience. I do know that there are those who have lost too much and our hearts go out to each of you. We are here for you and sending you hugs. Hurricane Helene has been a tremendous experience for all of us. We have much to do to get back to normal but thankfully we are past the emergency phase of this disaster. We have all learned new skills during the past few weeks, patience being at the top of the list. I never realized how much I depended on the internet and how excited I was to get it back. We have learned that we can depend on each other during stressful times and spent more time getting to know neighbors that have been near us for years, but life seemed to get in the way of your really spending time together.


I am going to try and share with you what an amazing time this has been for Project Linus and the incredible response we are getting from all over the country. Our National Office immediately reached out although it was several days before we could contact each other as I, like all of you, had no way of communicating. They wanted to know what we wanted in the way of blankets as they were having chapters gearing up to sending us blankets. I first asked for 300 and then changed it to 600. The Charlotte Chapter Coordinator and her husband drove up last week with 261. I knew that I couldn’t get that many in my car, so they didn’t hesitate to offer to drive up. Each day boxes keep appearing from TX, WY, PA, WI, MN and the list goes on. Now the task begins, finding homes for these “hugs”; we know how much a blanket means to a child and how much they need it currently. However, the distributions centers have been overwhelmed and will not talk to me about the importance of a blanket meant especially for a child. I drove to Swannanoa and Black Mountain and gave out some. Jean Zabel delivered to Fairview and Carolyn Keane is covering Hendersonville along with Jean. I am planning on heading to Burnsville and Spruce Pines soon but have been told not to come as they have no room for more items.


 I am going to talk to the different school districts in the coming days as they will be opening soon, and some schools have lost students. I want the counselors to have blankets ready to comfort these dear children. I am reaching out to each of you to ask if you know of children that might benefit from a blanket, to please let me know.


I want you to see this email that I got last night 10/18:

I pray that you may trust how this email is being sent with heartfelt prayers for all in Western North Carolina. The congregation I serve in Montana is making Project Linus blankets (single layer, tied fleece). We were wondering if Western NC is receiving blankets at this time. We would be glad to send out current efforts your way if so.

Pastor Julia Seymour

Big Timber Lutheran Church


From NH:

Know your hearts are with you and all the children you are trying to serve. Stay safe.


 I realize I am rambling, but I want so much to share with you. The country is with us. Now, time to change the subject.

Boxes of blankets in the garage!

If you did not join us for our Just Dessert event in August know that you were missed. It was such a fun day with so much going on: games, raffle, craft sale, friendship, and this isn’t even mentioning all the outstanding desserts.  My thanks go out to all that made this possible. We capped the day off with the announcement that by the end of July we had given out 95,727. When you read this newsletter, you will see an update through the end of September. This would not be possible with each of you and your wonderful contributions.


Mother Nature had other plans than allowing us to hold our rummage sale. We will pick a date in the spring. Stay tuned for details and in the meantime find a corner to store all those treasures. Thankfully I have an empty room that is full and overflowing into the hallway.


We have a good supply of fleece that I would like to get to anyone willing to work on fleece blankets. I have completely depleted our inventory as I gave out all our blankets before receiving boxes from the other chapters.

Currently, we will forgo the charge of $3.00 for a piece of fleece as it is more important that we get our inventory going again. Contact me if you are interested.



This wonderful news came from our National Office. The staff in MO has been working 10 long months to get this to happen. The contract that we had expired, and Peanuts was bought by Wildbrain during the past three years. They wanted to throw out the old contract and totally rewrite a new one, this would involve much work and lots of folks. This company owns the trademark Project Linus, and we must do what they set forward to be able to use the name, The guidelines are many and we need each of you to follow them very carefully as this company will be monitoring all social media looking for misuse. I am going to list the main concerns but reach out to me if you have any questions.

·      Do not copy the Linus picture (if you buy it, you can reproduce it, for example the stamp)

·      Do not order items online to use on stationery, cakes for example as these items are not licensed.

·      Any License Peanuts merchandise can be used. Do not buy on Esty, most of the stuff that is handmade is not licensed, if you buy from the Peanuts store, Amazon, Kohls etc. those items will be licensed. Any fabric with Peanuts is fine, this falls under if you buy it, you can use it.  

Thank You Note

Jackie and I wanted to send a thank you for this beautiful blanket and doll. Jackie has biliary atresia and as a result she is prone to infections which require admission to the hospital for antibiotics. We cherish each blanket she had received as they are a reminder of what she has come through and the knowledge that other people are thinking and praying for her. Thank you so much for what you do.


All Project Linus chapters have been notified by National that the incidence of PINS being found in blankets seems to be increasing. One pin is too many and could have a profound affect if a child is hurt and an enraged parent decides to sue Project Linus.

We are asking that you use clips (see picture) instead of pins. If you choose to use pins count the number that you use and make sure you can account for each one once you have finished your quilt. When you have finished your project, double check your work, squish the item between your hands vertically and horizontally to make sure that there isn’t a hidden culprit.

When we get together for our work session, I am asking that each of you do the same, as you sew on labels squeeze that beautiful donation between your hands to check.



We have received a generous offer from Doris Meadows, one of our new blanket makers, here is her information:

I’m willing to do Longarm quilting for 2 Linus quilts per month through the end of the year.

The quilt backing and batting needs to be 8 inches greater than the top. This allows me to attach to the Longarm and quilt without bumping into clamps. Please square up the backing.

The back, batting and quilt top needs to be submitted separately. In other words, please don’t baste these pieces together.

I prefer to work with quilting cotton vs polyester. I can work with Minky. If Minky is used it’s best that the length run selvage to selvage.

If you have questions or interest in this offer, please call and leave a voice message at

828-702-1804 or email



A reminder about the suggested sizes of your blankets. We are receiving many very small blankets making it difficult to find a home for them. Toddlers and newborn babies grow very quickly and can benefit from a larger size blanket.


Small 35” x 45” and up

Medium 40” x 50” and up

Large 45” x 60” and up

Blankets need to be kept away from pet dander, smoke and anything else that might endanger a child with a compromised immune system.


We are still meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden. We are meeting from 1:00 until 3:00 Ish. We do not work on making blankets but process all those that have been received during the month, getting them ready for distribution. We would love to have you join us.

School is back in session at the church so please do not pull into the front parking lot until all children, parents, and cars have left, this should be around 12:50.

We had to miss our October workday but plan to be together on November 6th.


We are now communicating by email and hope that we have all your addresses.  I have a list of those that don’t use the computer and will continue to mail out the newsletter to you. If you know of someone who hasn’t received the notices sent out by Helen McConnell, please let Ellen know and we will add this to our list. There are times when we realize that we no longer want to receive different emails. If you find yourself in this situation, no problem, once again let Ellen know and she will see that you are removed from the list. Many thanks to Helen for the good job she does keeping us informed.


I hope that you know that Books for Good located at 50 Heritage Park Drive in Fletcher is a wonderful supporter of Project Linus. You take your used books into the store, let them know that they are for Project Linus and when sold we receive $$$$$. They like paperbacks and books published with in the past two years. It is a wonderful place to shop all year but at Thanksgiving they have a huge sale. The sale this year will take place on Friday, November 29th from 10 to 5 and Saturday, November 30 from 10 to 2.




                        In          Out 

JULY                  340      253

AUGUST           336      348

SEPTEMBER    278      246            

TOTAL:              954      847

With these numbers our chapter has now distributed 96,321 blankets.





  JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store

  80 S Tunnel Road

Asheville Cotton Company

1378 Hendersonville Road STE B



   Grace Lutheran Church 

   1245 Sixth Avenue West

   JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store

   Blue Ridge Mall Shopping Center


   Sheridan Kay Quilting

  1680 Spartanburg Highway 



   5 Little Monkeys Quilt and Sew

   32 North Main Street



Chapter Coordinator

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800


Buncombe County

Ennis Julian 702-499-3567

Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800

Haywood County

Mariam Howell 828-456-5154

Henderson County

Vivian Andrews 224-558-4792

Jackson and Macon Counties

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800

Madison County

Nancy Fish 828-768-1344

McDowell County

Mary Ledbetter

Mitchell County

Janet Jackson 661-319-8286

Transylvania County

Pat Crawford 828-883-8746

Yancy County

Vicki Fox 828-680-9167                                          



Attn: Ellen Knoefel 10 Highland Pointe Drive

                                  Weaverville, NC 28787

Phone  (home) 828-645-8800 

               (cell)  828-231-9490




Newsletter editor: Laura Moore


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