Fourth Quarter Newsletter, December 2021
As this year comes to a close I want to say to each of you how much you mean to me and how very special you are. Your continual support, be it blanket donations, material donations, help delivering the blankets, working hard at labeling in order to get the blankets ready for distribution; these are changing the lives not just for the children but their families and the health care and other workers who hand deliver these blankets to children. Because of each of you we served 4,757 children this year. This is one of the largest distributions that we have had and considering all the challenges that we have had to face in 2021, you should be immensely proud of this. Since the beginning of the organization of this chapter in Western North Carolina we have given out a total of 83,720 blanket hugs.
We received a wonderful donation of hats from Barbara Bernhard Robinson, Barbara started this chapter in 1998. She suggested that we put one of the warm hats with the larger blankets before we give them out. So now you have another suggestion for left over yarn. We are still collecting hats for Pardee Hospital so not all will go with the blankets.
Go to this website and enjoy a wonderful read! Bold Life of Hendersonville, a magazine full of local information, did an article in their December issue on our chapter of Project Linus. Perhaps you have found a hard copy but if not, here is the link to help you find the article. Type in Bold Life of Hendersonville, NC,
then click on Culture, under that click on Community and there you will see a picture of our hard-working Connie with outstretched arms checking a blanket for any missing pins. Speaking of pins, check out the next paragraph. Click here for a direct link to article.
Quilters please be aware, Mission Hospital called me today to say that one of their patients found a pin in their blanket and that this also happened several months ago. This is a definite no-no. We check each blanket before we package them but as you can see, we miss some. Check your donations before you turn them it.
Blankets need to be new, washable and child friendly, but they also need to be free of pet dander. We have received blankets that are full of pet hair. We are dealing with children, many who are in compromised health situations and this could bring misery to them. I also ask that you take extra care in checking your blankets for any stray pins that might be hiding.
Many of you are choosing to purchase fleece throws and finishing them off. This isn’t problem but please check the quality of the throws before you purchase them and once you have them home check for any flaws. I have found some seconds with these throws. Although they come with the blanket stitch around them, please do not assume that this is a secure stitch, as they easily come loose. You can use the hole that this stitch is in to crochet from, or you can make a new hole. This will assure you that the blanket stitch will not come loose when a child receives it.
Remember to shop at Books for Good located at 50 Heritage Park Drive in Fletcher.
It is located at 50 Heritage Park Drive in Fletcher.
For the year 2021 NO in kind tax receipts will be mailed out unless I receive a request from you. If you wish to receive a copy let me know and I will put one in the mail. Since the tax laws have changed so drastically, I know that very few use this receipt therefore this decision was made. I have included this note in past quarterly newsletters, and I have received several requests. I will get these out soon and if you wish to be added to the list you must let me know. You can reach me at:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at time of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr
2021 has challenged so many of us, but as we get ready to begin a New Year let us look forward to a new beginning. One that brings peace, calm, and good health to all.
JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store
80 S Tunnel Road
Asheville Cotton Company
1378 Hendersonville Road STE B
Grace Lutheran Church
1245 Sixth Avenue West
JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store
Blue Ridge Mall Shopping Center
Sheridan Kay Quilting
1680 Spartanburg Highway
5 Little Monkeys Quilt and Sew
32 North Main Street
In Out
October 281 368
November 333 208
December 375 443
Fourth Quarter Totals 989 1,019
With these latest numbers our chapter has now distributed 83,720 blankets!
Number of knitted dolls and stuffed animals donated and distributed this quarter: 116
Weighted blankets donated to date: 1,366.
Ellen Knoefel 10 Highland Pointe Drive
Weaverville, NC 28787
Phone (home) 828-645-8800
(cell) 828-231-9490
Chapter Coordinator
Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800
Buncombe County
Ennis Julian 702-499-3567
Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties
Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800
Haywood County
Mariam Howell 828-456-5154
Henderson County
Helen McConnell 828-779-0361
Jackson and Macon Counties
Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800
Madison County
Nancy Fish 828-768-1344
McDowell County
Mary Ledbetter
Mitchell County
Janet Jackson 661-319-8286
Transylvania County
Pat Crawford 828-883-8746
Yancy County
Vicki Fox 828-680-9167