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Fourth Quarter, December 2023


I now know how Little Bow Beep felt when she was looking for her sheep, where or where did they go. Where or where did 2023 go, frightfully fast. We must bid goodbye and look forward to new beginnings. Much of this past year we were challenged with lower that hoped for donations and a large increase in requests for blankets. This meant that we were unable to give as many blankets to each of our facilities, but we never had to turn anyone away. This was the story until December when you special angels did your magic. We received almost 500 blankets this month and now have an inventory to start the new year. This is an exciting position to be in as so many facilities depend on us. I am very optimistic that these numbers will continue.

I wish it were possible to reach out to you individually to thank you for all that you do for Project Linus, since I am not able to achieve that I hope you will take this as a sincere thank you for all that you do. If it is one blanket or many, a monetary donation, a supply donation, your physical work at our monthly work sessions, a delivery that you are making to a facility, or recruiting a new “blanketeer” each effort that you make is so appreciated and certainly noticed. My wish for each of you is a peaceful and healthy new year.

Thank You

Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch.  It is anything that lifts another person.    Plato


October 21st was a magical day, we had an extremely successful rummage sale, not only in a financial way but in a friendship way. Working with the First Congregational Church was so positive. They had our back from the beginning, allowing us to use their wonderful social hall, providing workers for help on Friday and Saturday and even coming on Saturday to shop. So many thanks to Romella Hart O’Keefe for all her hard work in putting this together and thanks to you for your donations, hard work and for shopping. I keep saying this is an event that keeps on giving. The church puts together a list of nonprofits at this time of the year and asks congregants to donate in the name of the organization. Through the rummage sale they became familiar with Project Linus and this year our name was on the list! We received three very generous checks. All money received goes to our national office and then receipts are sent to them for reimbursements. We are in a position now to purchase supplies and keep moving forward.


Carolyn Keating, a loyal blanketeer, has been working with the Henderson County 4-H program to offer a quilting class to these young folks by having them make a blankets for Project Linus. They recruit sewists who have completed the basic sewing classes. They are then taught 3 different types of quilts, a simple strip quilt, a basic 9 patch and a binding free applique style. This is where we are being asked for help. If anyone has jelly rolls that they would be able to donate these would be a tremendous help in all the cutting that will be necessary for the kits that will be given to the sewers. Carolyn will be at our January work session and looks forward to picking up the rolls then. If you are unable to come on January 3rd, call me, Ellen, and we can arrange to get your donation. 828-645-8800

4-H has a community service component where each member must be involved in some way. This would help them with this goal. We will be working with Henderson County but hope to be able to reach out to other extensions.


Since 2005 this chapter has maintained a postal box. We put the name of the blanket maker with the poem that is given to the blanket recipient along with the PO box number. When there is a letter in the box, I forward it to the blanket maker. We have never been overwhelmed with letters in the box so when the Post Office doubled the rate of the rental for the coming year It wasn’t a hard decision to close the box. This will affect very few of us, but if you are one that includes the poem with your donation you will need to get a copy of the new sheet which will now include an email address instead of the PO number. Contact me if you need a copy.


We are still meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden. We are meeting from 1:00 until 3:00. We don’t work on making blankets but process all those that have been received during the month, getting them ready for distribution. We would love to have you join us. During this time, we have donated articles for you to pick up.

We now have a table with fleece and batting available for $2.00 apiece. The fleece is precut, in pieces “60” x “90”.  This is a huge savings from what you would purchase at a retail establishment. We will put the $$$ toward the purchase of more of these items.

Those that joined us at our December work session enjoyed our holiday potluck lunch, we indulged in delicious specialties brought by everyone.

Each of you should have received notification about arriving at the church earlier than scheduled. We meet at1:00pm and please do not show up any earlier if there are still children present. The preschool doesn’t dismiss until 12:30. All parking spaces, including the handicap ones are to be used for these parents. If you arrive earlier park away from the main facility until all the children and parents have left.


We do not automatically send out in-kind-tax receipts, if you wish to receive one, I will need the request from you.  You can call me at 828-645-8800 or email me at and let me know that you want me to send one to you.


We are now communicating by email and hope that we have all your addresses.  I have a list of those that don’t use the computer and will continue to mail out the newsletter to you. If you know of someone who hasn’t received the notices sent out by Helen McConnell, please let Ellen know and we will add this to our list. There are times when we realize that we no longer want to receive different emails. If you find yourself in this situation, no problem, once again let Ellen know and she will see that you are removed from the list. Many thanks to Helen for the good job she does keeping us informed.



  JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store

  80 S Tunnel Road

Asheville Cotton Company

1378 Hendersonville Road STE B



   Grace Lutheran Church

   1245 Sixth Avenue West

   JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store

   Blue Ridge Mall Shopping Center


   Sheridan Kay Quilting

  1680 Spartanburg Highway


   5 Little Monkeys Quilt and Sew

   32 North Main Street





                              In          Out

October                  309      315

November              253      284

December              467      439

TOTAL:                 1,029   1,038

With these numbers our chapter has now distributed 93,203 blankets




Chapter Coordinator

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800

Buncombe County

Ennis Julian 702-499-3567

Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800

Haywood County

Mariam Howell 828-456-5154

Henderson County

Sue Swavely 843-478-9090

Jackson and Macon Counties

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800

Madison County

Nancy Fish 828-768-1344

McDowell County


Mitchell County

Janet Jackson 661-319-8286

Transylvania County

Pat Crawford 828-883-8746

Yancy County 

Vicki Fox     828-680-9167                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Attn: Ellen Knoefel 10 Highland Pointe Drive

                                  Weaverville, NC 28787

Phone  (home) 828-645-8800

               (cell)  828-231-9490



Newsletter editor: Laura Moore




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