First Quarter Newsletter, March 2023
CHAPTER COORDINATOR’S MESSAGE, Ellen Knoefel Spring is in the air, I think. No lion showed up on March first, but a beautiful lamb, now we are paying the price. The lion has arrived, and we are shivering in the mornings. We can bundle up, but our precious flowers are suffering. I tell myself to show a little patience and soon you can put away the winter coat. You will read the details in the following article, but I want to invite each of you to our Make a Blanket Day. It is a day of fun, fellowship, and a chance to reconnect with fellow Project Linus friends. Check your calendars and let me know if you will attend. A shout out to Laura Moore who has taken on the responsibility of our quarterly newsletter. I know you will agree that the new format, the articles, and the great pictures are a plus for our chapter. MAKE A BLANKET DAY Mark your calendar – SAVE THE DATE – Saturday April 15 is our chapter’s Make A Blanket Day. When: Saturday April 15, 2023 from 10am to 2pm Where: Lutheran Church of the Nativity; 2425 Hendersonville Rd, Arden, NC RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST!!!! Email to or call 828-645-8800 and let Ellen know you are attending and what type of blanket you will be working on. Details: · Fleece will be provided for those that like to work with that medium. · Knitters and crocheters bring your own projects to work on. · Quilters, bring your own machine and a kit will be provided. · Lunch will be provided. Thank You Notes Dear Project Linus Volunteers, We just want to write a note to express our huge gratitude for the amazing blankets we have received from you for our pediatric patients going into surgery. Your blankets cheer up our whole pre-op area when placed on a bed and the joy it brings to the child and family is priceless! With sincere appreciation. Western Carolina Surgery Center PS. Especially the nurses who get super excited to open and look at your beautiful blankets! -------- Hello to all, I want to share this picture of Cecelia. She is 5 months old and is undergoing various tests to understand why she is not gaining weight properly. She has other issues too, but her mom and I did not talk in depth about

them. I read about Cecelia on the Next Door platform when she was undergoing genetic testing. No firm answers yet, but mom said the doctors have ruled out some more serious conditions. Cecelia’s dad has an iPhone, tech etc. repair business and then Pat recognized his story from an article in the paper about a year ago. In that article, another child was mentioned and was in the photo w/dad and pregnant mom. Of course, not only did Cecelia receive a blanket but big brother Jonah did too!
I was honored today to meet this sweet family at their home and deliver two blankets!!
Prayers for Cecelia!!
ANIMAL DANDER Hug, kiss, and love your pets as you should, but please keep them away from your PL donations. We have had blankets turned in with pet hair and we could be endangering the lives of a child who is in a comprised health situation

Volunteer Appreciation
A big shout out to students at Odyssey High School in Asheville. They learned about Project Linus and a group of students made no sew fleece blankets! Thank you so much for your time and effort!
Hello Ellen,
Thanks so much for getting back to me! Maybe we met last month at the Asheville Quilt Guild Community Quilt Bee? You ‘all provided lunch for us as we sewed and it was lovely.
I'm new to the guild and I was happy and impressed to attend this annual luncheon.
Ms. Dixon is my friend's name and she's old-fashioned enough to take on this project in a very personal way. So, she always asks me details about the "baby" we are making the quilt for - and their family story. (She also doesn't quite understand when I try to explain that other people are in charge of these details; and it's a large, nationwide organization.)
Today I plan to take my laptop over to her and show her some pictures of the Project Linus website to try to give her the back-story. I'll also get a picture of her at her sewing machine with the quilt we just finished. - I'll send it to you, if you want.
Working and helping others has given her a new lease on life. Especially combined with being able to get her sewing hobby back again.
Thank you for all you do - - - you are helping people at both ends of the generations.

PS. A little more about Ms.Dixon, Pearlie May. She began piecing quilts from flour sacks on a plantation in Texas when she was a girl in Texas in the 1930s - came to Asheville by herself when she was 17 and is now 100 yrs old.
------- Pat Crawford, Janet Stewart, Ellen Knoefel, Connie Stanfield and Romella Hart O'Keefe had the pleasure of providing lunch for a group of hard working Asheville Quilt Guild members who spent their day hard at work making quilts for Project Linus. BOOKS FOR GOOD Please remember to shop at this used bookstore, located at 50 Heritage Park Drive in Fletcher. It is a blessing to so many nonprofits in our area. As many of you know, they accept used books in good condition in the name of a specific charity. When the books sell, a percentage of the sale goes back to the charity. They receive many donations and can only accept one box of books at a time. Their hours are 12-5 Monday-Friday and 10-2 on Saturday. Please help them out by stopping by the store and encouraging others to do the same. E-MAIL ADDRESSES We are now communicating by email and hope that we have all your addresses. I have a list of those that don’t use the computer and will continue to mail out the newsletter to you. If you know of someone who doesn’t receive the notices sent out by Helen McConnell please let Ellen know and we will add this to our list. There are times when we realize that we now no longer want to receive different emails. If you find yourself in this situation, no problem, once again let Ellen know and she will see that you are removed from the list. Many thanks to Helen, for the good job she does keeping us informed. "Life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?" Martin Luther King Jr. MONTHLY WORK SESSIONS We are still meeting the first Wednesday of the month at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden. We meet from 1:00 until 3:00. We don’t work on making blankets but process all those that have been received during the month, getting them ready for distribution. We would love to have you join us. BLANKET DROP-OFF SITES
Asheville: JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store 80 S Tunnel Road Asheville Cotton Company 1378 Hendersonville Road STE B
Hendersonville: Grace Lutheran Church 1245 Sixth Avenue West JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store Blue Ridge Mall Shopping Center Sheridan Kay Quilting 1680 Spartanburg Highway Weaverville: 5 Little Monkeys Quilt and Sew 32 North Main Street
FOURTH QUARTER STATISTICS In Out January 342 285 February 343 310 March 421 401 First Quarter Totals 1,106 996 With these latest numbers our chapter has now distributed 90,049 blankets! COUNTY CONTACTS Chapter Coordinator Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800
Buncombe County Ennis Julian 702-499-3567 Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800 Haywood County Mariam Howell 828-456-5154 Henderson County Sue Swavely 843-478-9090 Jackson and Macon Counties Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800 Madison County Nancy Fish 828-768-1344 McDowell County Mary Ledbetter Mitchell County Janet Jackson 661-319-8286 Transylvania County Pat Crawford 828-883-8746 Yancy County Vicki Fox 828-680-9167
Attn: Ellen Knoefel 10 Highland Pointe Drive
Weaverville, NC 28787
Phone (home) 828-645-8800
(cell) 828-231-9490
Newsletter editor: Laura Moore