Helping children in need
Give us a call: 1-828-645-8800
BOOKS for Good
BOOKS FOR GOOD is once again accepting good quality books. This organization has been wonderful to Project Linus and is helping us meet all our expenses. In their 1 1/2 years of existence they have given over $1000.00 to our chapter. Here is how it works: donate your old books to them, they sell them and we receive a percentage of the sale.
They DO NOT accept encyclopedias, magazines, VCR tapes, or Reader's Digest Condensed Books.
Books about polities, self-help, inspiration, economics, weight loss, home improvement and parenting DO NOT SELL.
Categories that sell well are: Bibles and books about them, history (especially about the Civil War) cars, crafts (especially quilting ) and DVD'S.
Do make sure that the books are in top notch shape. You can drop them off at their warehouse which is located in Fletcher. The address is 50 Heritage Park Drive. It can be hard to find so call them if you get lost. The number is 828-989-4655. Their hours are Monday thru Friday 12-5 and Saturday 10-2. If you prefer you can drop them off at our monthly work session, the first Wednesday of the month at the Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Arden. If all else fails, call me at 828-645-8800 and we will work something out. Thanks for helping us out. Ellen