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Second Quarter Newsletter July 2015


It was wonderful seeing so many of you at this year's Volunteer Appreciation Day. Your dedication to this chapter is so special. Your support of our mission to provide handmade blankets to children who are either seriously ill or are going though some type of a trauma is what makes us so successful. It is with this in mind that we take great pleasure in having an opportunity to say thank you at the tea. Thanks must also go to those that worked so hard to make the event so special.

You will find in this newsletter information about two fundraising events taking place in July. I hope that you will help us support both events, as this helps us raise the funds necessary to keep us going.


One of our fundraisers is the non-profit "Books for Good," which many of you already know and if you haven't visited them yet I encourage you to do so They collect and sell used books and return a percentage of the sales to the organizations which have donated the books, so please spread the word. They are located in Fletcher at 50 Heritage Drive, in a group of storage units. Their unit is in the very back, so be sure to drive all the way to the end. Their hours are Monday- Friday 12:00-5 PM and Saturday 10:00-2 PM. You can drop off your donation in person at their location and be sure to let them know it is for Project Linus. If you are unable to do so let me know and we can work out other arrangements.

They accept used books in good condition (no odors, mildew, and etc.) along with original CD'S and DVD's. Please no encyclopedias or Readers Digest condensed books. They have especially praised the quality of our donations which is why we have been so successful in receiving funds in return. To date we have made over $350.00, which has turned into a significant fundraiser for our chapter. Also you can visit their website at

They have amassed a huge inventory of books and will be having a sale July 31st-August 1st. Their prices are already very low, so expect surprising bargains. The attached flier gives the details.


Our other fund raising opportunity is taking place on July 16 at the AC Moore Craft Store in Asheville located in the River Ridge Shopping Center. Start preparing your shopping list, bring the attached flier into the store and our chapter will receive 10% of the total dollars spent. This doesn't affect the coupons that we all use when we shop at our favorite craft stores, you can still use them. You will need to bring in the flier and show it when checking out. Please make copies of the flier and pass them out to everyone you know. You can also post in on your mobile phone and show that at check out. Use your social media connections to spread the word, and help us get the word out. We will also have a table display in the store from 10:00-4:00 so plan to stop by and visit.

Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.


Our Chapter has again committed to sponsoring a "Camp Corral," which this year is located at Camp Weaver in Greensboro, NC. It is being held the second week in August, beginning the 9th. They expect 140 campers. This is a camp sponsored by Golden Corral Restaurant for children ages 8-15 who have either lost a parent or have had a wounded parent return home from having served in our armed forces. For the third year we will be working with them to provide blankets for every camper. As the children are older we will need the large size blanket. Since we have joined in to do this, we have seen that the children especially love the camouflage fabrics in all colors, military themed blankets, sports themed, but not so much the solid colors of red or blue. I will also be taking some small and medium blankets for the siblings that accompany their older brothers and sisters to camp, but aren't old enough to attend for the week but they are suffering just as much and can use that blanket "hug".

This is part of a note that another chapter received this week, "I'm curious how I can help. My son and daughter received blankets yesterday at Camp Coral and my son received one a couple years ago at the same camp and they absolutely treasure them. My husband is a wounded warrior, hurt back in May 2002, and he is 100% permanently and totally disabled now, so I am his full time care giver. I have three children that keep me busy but I want something I can do to give back. I am not great at sewing or knitting but I am a fast learner....... "


That is right!!!! Hollywood is going to be in Normal, IL June 15-18 2016. This is the home of our National Office and the theme of the 2016 conference is Hooray for Hollywood. I am hoping that some of you would like to attend this event with me. It is a wonderful experience, a time to meet gals from all over the Country. The national staff goes all out to introduce us to new ideas, offer classes with outstanding teachers,

feed us chocolate until you think you can't manage another chocolate kiss, shower us with so many gifts that it is necessary to take them up on a free box to mail back home the collected goodies. I can assure you that the memories remain forever. If you wish more information I will be happy to talk to you, or talk to Janet Stewart, Sharon Waltman, or Connie Stanfield as they have attended past conferences.


Jo-Ann's offers Non-Profit Discount Cards to Project Linus Volunteers. This enables you to a 10% discount on supplies that you use for making Project Linus blankets. You will also need a Project Linus ID card which I can send to you. You must go on line to Jo-Ann Non-Profit Discount Card page and click the green "Enroll Now link" and follow the steps. I hope everyone is taking advantage of this offer. Let me know if you need an ID card.


National web site:

Local web site:



A.C. Moore Craft Store

River Ridge Shopping Center


Grace Lutheran Church

1245 Sixth Avenue, West

Joann Fabrics of Hendersonville

Blue Ridge Mall

1800 Four Seasons Blvd. (leave at the cutting counter)

Mars Hill:

Make It With Yarn

635-6 Carl Eller Road


In Out

April 438 418

May 382 345

June 291 190

2nd Quarter Totals: 1111 953

With these latest numbers. Our local chapter has now distributed 54,,188 blankets!

Number of knitted dolls donated and distributed

this quarter: 218

Weighted blankets donated to date: 721


Chapter Coordinator

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800

Buncombe County Contact

Sharon Waltman 828-645-7190

Cherokee, Clay, and Graham County Contact

Pat Carman 828-321-4172

Haywood County Contact

Mariam Howell 828-456-5154

Henderson County Contact

Helen McConnell 828-890-3067

Jackson and Macon County Contact

Ellen Knoefel 828-645-8800

Madison County Contact

Sandy Burns 828-734-1261

Mitchell County Contact

BettyAltman 828-765-2526

Transylvania County Contact

Pat Crawford 828-883-8746

Yancey County Contact

Asta Jeffcoat 828-682-4373

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